Abeamsentpets – Semi-Public Recording-Session
On September 16th in 2011, Huey Walker recorded music in the art space „Alte Bäckerei“ in Greifswald. The music was live-streamed in the internet, people were able to look through the window from the outside.
„The recordings were meant to be released on an album titled Abeamsentpets, based on a soothing organ-loop i recorded back then and which – with its endearing, hum-like quality – was stuck in my head for month and should’ve been the emotional scheme and tonal principle for the music.“
Due to a data crash, most of the recordings are lost, some snippets could be restored and are planned to be released in recontextualized way.
A videotrailer, cobbled together on an old notebook gives a good impression of the tonality, the recording-session was aimed towards.
Related Links
- extended informations at Rakkoon Recordings
- Photos and Audio at Rakkoon Recordings
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