Martin Hiller
Human being doing Boings, Bumms & Tschacks
About Martin Hiller
Live / Lesungen / Konzerte
Sound Works & Audio Installations
Flutterbies – Audio-Installation for three guitars and electro-mechanical butterflies
Mantra Marien – Installation for three Guitars and a rotating Graphite Pencil
Droops – Installation for Guitars and Waterdrops
fünftausend bimmeln
Oscillations – Installation for three Guitars, a Pendulum and an optional Musician
Music Releases
Photographies, Drawings, Paintings & Objects
Journo & Radio
Zonic Radio Show Nord
Ohne Titel (Portreats V)
Ohne Titel (Portreats VI)
Ohne Titel (Glunch Poems II)
Winter 2012 (Serie I)
Ohne Titel (Glunch Poems III)
Ohne Titel (Débauche Tamisée I)
Ohne Titel (My Wounded Beauty III)
Ohne Titel (My Wounded Beauty II)
Ohne Titel (My Wounded Beauty I)
Penguin Coney Arkestra
Portreats I – IV
Room with a Hue, Series I (Photography, 2011)
Klangkunst zur Kulturnacht Greifswald: Ballooons von Huey Walker
Isabella Mamatis, Peter Tucholski, Huey Walker
Huey Walker live im Garten des Ballsaal Tucholski, Loitz
Photos & Video: Huey Walker playing „Droops“ at Fête de la Musique, 2018
Photos: Huey Walker spielt „Droops“ beim Aquanostra Wasserfest 2018, Bad Doberan
Huey Walker on Tour with „Droops“ zur Fête de la Musique
News: Huey Walker mit „Droops“ beim Aquanostra Wasserfest 2018
Street Lights – Photos, 2013
Escaliers I
Huey Walker at Madame Claude, Berlin (2018)
News: Huey Walker + Daniel Schellongowski w/ Ombra Elettrica live beim Experimontag
Photos: The Kanadagans & Jürgen Hohmuth bei Meuterland 13, Rostock
Mantra Marien – Installation for three Guitars and a rotating Graphite Pencil
Oscillations – Installation for three Guitars, a Pendulum and an optional Musician
Floops – Concept for multiple Guitars and falling Objects
Droops – Installation for Guitars and Waterdrops
J.N. & A.S. & Huey Walker zur Vernissage von swinx
Buchvorstellung bei Meuterland: Jürgen Hohmuth (Buch) und The Kanadagans (Musik)
Huey Walker zur Toba-Vernissage von Cindy Schmid alias swinx
Kaschmir: Fragmente zu Tanz und Tod (Text & Sound)
OUT NOW: The Splendid Ghetto Pipers – I Just Want It To Be A Sound (2017)
OUT NOW: The Splendid Ghetto Pipers – Die Gute Besserung (2017)
OUT NOW: Huey Walker – Dreamsleaves (2017)
Rakkoon Recordings announces Release of Label-Catalogue
The Kanadagans beim Subset Fest im Peter-Weiss-Haus, Rostock
Huey Walker live beim PolenmARkT Festival 2017
News: The Kanadagans beim Subset Festival in Rostock
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