Huey Walker live at Experimontag, Madame Claude Berlin, 11/03/2019
Madame Claude in Berlin has become a regular spot for concerts of Martin Hiller and his projects like Huey Walker, and The Splendid Ghetto Pipers. In march 2019 he once again played as part of the monday series Experimontag. This time, he utilized some battered vinyls for plunderphonics and live-processings, then gliding into guitar driven improvisations.
Huey Walker (Freeform, Plunderphonics, Collage/DE)
Utilizing guitar, synth and plunderphonic techniques, Huey Walker plays a fragmented, freeform jingle-jangle and carefully crafted harmonies based on a sense of slowness, pacing and the joy of monotony. With aspects of minimalism, aleatoric music and impromptu timbral explorations, he developes a pulsating, static reeling and winching whirrings.
Huey Walker live at Experimontag, Madame Claude Berlin
This video shows 15 Minutes of Huey Walker playing live during Experimontag at Madame Claude in Berlin on March 11th, 2019. The Mixdesk-Audiorecording accompanied by some edited video-footage originally captured by Claudius Loik provides the vinyl-based, plunderphonic part of his gig.
Huey Walker – live at Madame Claude Berlin 11-03-2019 – Part 1 from Rakkoon Recordings on Vimeo.
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