Huey Walker live at MicroPopWeek 2018
On march 20th in 2018, Martin Hillier alias Huey Walker played a concert during the MicroPopWeek in Düsseldorf.
At the Franticworld Space, Huey Walker played dreamy noodlings with guitar (utilizing a small setup of his Oscillations concept), synth and live-processed ad-lib-sampling.
Das Konzert im Hof Birkenstraße 71, ist seit fünf Jahren eine feste Größe der Micro Pop Week. Diesmal haben sich für 20 Uhr zwei Solokünstler angemeldet. Cosmono und Huey Walker wagen die Gratwanderung zwischen verspulter Electronica, Songwriting, und purem Experiment
A recording of the concert has been made and is eventually to be released in the future. Here are collected photos from the organizers and some impressions from being on the road.
Photos: Huey Walker live at MicroPopWeek, Düsseldorf
Düsseldorf morning mist Broken radiator: freezing cold train wagon at Deutsche Bahn The carpet stage at Franticword Huey Walker playing music box on guitar pickups Huey Walker live at MicroPopWeek 2018 (Photo: Micro-Pop-Week) Huey Walker live at MicroPopWeek 2018 (Photo: Hauke Schmidt) Huey Walker live at MicroPopWeek 2018 (Photo: Hauke Schmidt)
Hugs & thanks to Hauke Schmidt aka Great Dynamo who is one of the main organizers of the MicroPopWeek. He is really passionate in what he does there: bringing that DIY-thingy thing onto many spots in Düsseldorf. It was a pleasure to sat the whole night talking and have some flashbacks to my youthy days while listening to Yo La Tengo.
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